Who was Sava Popov? The Unlocking of an Archive
Who was Sava Popov? The Unlocking of an Archive


Who was Sava Popov? The Unlocking of an Archive

Sava Popov’s Archive

In the outskirts of Sofia, in the village of Gorni Lozen, there are parcels and boxes arranged in the attic of this house. The parcels are wrapped in kraft paper and are tied with twine. Everything is carefully labeled:

Sava Popov, The Devils in the Cellar (old edition and corrections)
Children’s books of Chipev publishers
Yearbook of Starshel newspaper from 1940–1941
(and the censured issues)
Animal glue (orders and bills of lading)
Yearbook of Litfront, 1967
Protocols of the Union of Bulgarian Writers
Sly Peter, drawings by Iliya Beshkov
Manuscript of African Tales, Sava Popov, unpublished